Tuesday, February 17, 2009


What will you do if you were given Rs. 500 ??

What would your answer be ?? "Buy clothes... go for a movie... hv a nice biryani in a good eatery... BLOW IT UP on booze... buy a BRANDED UNDERWEAR...!!! " or wud it be... " ONLY Rs. 500 ?? ahh nothing...!!!"

There could be a completely opposite side to this as well... the answers might be ... "pay fees for my school... buy books or vegetables or other groceries for my home... or wud it be... "spend some on my children and save the rest...!!!"

I saw this video on you tube recently... and it was startling to say the least... how many times do we think before spending Rs. 500 or even much more for an evening out at some plush restaurant or coffee bar... or for buying some branded clothes... alcohol... or smething like a cell fone recharge or bill payment ??

There are MANY MANY MANY people in India and across the world who are struggling to earn enough money to buy two square meals a day... leave alone earning and spending it for medicines or education... All the government is doing is giving us 'statistics' ... and earmarking huge amounts of funds for its projects to help the poor... but how much of it is actually reaching the needy ?? A trickle... mayb less...

But its not just the government to be blamed... we ourselves are so reckless in spending sums of money which would be beyond the wildest imaginations of a huge majority of people... And i'm not sayin that i don't do this... i too am just as reckless and ignorant as many others... and i feel bad about it... really bad... We too are equally guilty... we don't have any right to blame anyone else...

Have you ever thought about how the value of Rs. 10 changes when we are in a temple and in a shopping mall ??!!

Poverty forces 70 % of the school going children in India to drop out of school before they reach the secondary level. (Source - Open Space India)

Think about it... I too would try to make an effort to change this... because i know.. how a small child, who is forced to 'shine' other people's shoes has a shine in his eyes when he gets Rs. 100 from a 'generous' stranger... I'm not saying that we stop spending at all.. and give it all away... no.. it is insane.. and not possible as well... All i'm saying is that if we make a little contribution... periodically... It would not make much of a difference in our lives... Maybe one less trip to the nearby CCD... But to them it can be a year at school.... or fees for the medical aid of their children... Because that would be INDIA SHINING... Shining with the sparkle in the eyes of the needy.... May God be with us... :) ...



Netika Lumb said...

True, very true.. You actually made me realize that the value of rs. 10 does change in the temple and a mall..
I shall try to make a difference.

Karan said...

i feel that instead of giving out Rs. 10.. or whatevr we feel...in a temple... it would be better if it is given to humans... or any other living beings in need... maybe not give them money.. but buy food or othere essentials for them... coz according to me... helping others makes this world a better place to live in... and helping others is something which God would want us to do...

lets all try and make small differences... :) ...


Punk Princess said...

Straight from the heart post :)
Yeah, a small diff on our part can surely induce ripples of change from others not to mention ripples of happiness towards whom the change is directed.
The funny thing about everything in India is competition. Most of the child beggars are part of a huge trafficking networks. I have this rule against handing over money , I'd rather buy them food. Once it so happened that a kid refunded the money by taking the food back to the shopkeeper in front of my eyes.
Apart from trafficking , the kids burn fevicol and other kind of glues and then smell the fumes , their version of dope !
Buying them food is the best deal but yet what is really the solution.

I checked out the video sometime back, infact it lead to a very interesting discussion through comments.
Check it here -> http://sharma-apoorv.livejournal.com/1676.html

Kepe up the gud work!

Karan said...

'Straight from the Heart'.... You Bet...!! :) ...

I agree with you on the giving money part... most of the times i too prefer buying food... but smetimes i make an exception... depending on the situation... bt yes... thrz a huge organised begging mafia operating right under our noses... so food rathr than money is a definitely better option... and as far as the kids going back and returning the food you buy fr them is concerned... i saw it myself today.. i thought of checking if they actually ate the food.. or returned it.. i was on my way to ask the shopkeeper if such kids come and returned the food... bt before i could even reach the shop... i saw the child open the packet... and eagerly bite into the biscuit...

so i feel that yes.. your point is valid... but maybe its rare... and buying food is always a safer option...

Doping... fevicol ???!!! OMG...!! wht im really interested in knowing is who taught them such things.. and got them addicted in the first place ?? .... I'm sure the answers will take us back to the phrase 'Begging Mafia'...

All these problems are not going to be solved overnight.. it would need some serious changes in almost whole of the system... in our idealogies... in our thought processes... I had a look at the discussion you had ... it is good to see that people are actually trying to do something concrete.. and not just sit and talk.. nahin hua toh kya hua.. at least you tried... and im sure you must hv learnt a lot from it... which would help in future... !! Keep it going.. :) ..

(PS - i would also like to add that i don't agree with many points mentioned ovr there... bt then... they r opinions.. n evryine has a right to hv them... no sense in arguing...at least more and more people are becoming aware... and trying to do smething... :) .. )

Badlega India... Hum Badlenge iseh... :) ...

GS =D said...

Hey!.. Finally i m commenting on ur blog.. better late than never :)

Well, I had thought about the same thngs when i saw this video few months back.. u have penned them down really well.. :) I wish i were not so lazy to write them.. but doesn;t matter.. i m glad tht u jotted em down..

I hope everyone realises the value of money.. the *real* value =)

God bless.. :)

Keep blogging,

magiceye said...

well said!

thank you for your vote too! hope your friends vote for my blog too!

Karan said...

@ GS -

too lazy to pen it down...Lol... how typical Gaargi...!!

And yes.. i too hope that people realize the 'real value' of money.. and make an effort to spend it wisely... and help otherz in little ways...Bt smehow i feel the awareness is slowly increasing... lets hope it continues... :0

God Bless..

Karan said...

@ magic eye...

Thanks... :)

n yes.. wud spread th word... Good Luck... :)

Arnav said...

HAve seen the video.. really touching..
Completely agree with Karan , it much better to give 10 RS to a person who really needs ..

Keep Smiling :)

Karan said...

Hi Arnav -

I'm Sorry fr th extremely late reply....

I'm happy that u liked the video and what I said..

Keep visiting.. No more late replies to comments :)

Cheers.. And yes.. keep Smiling .. :)

The Unsure Ascetic said...

I liked this one mate. Very wise observation.

Karan said...

@ Mr. Scientist - :) .. Thanks bro..

Welcome to my blog, and thank you for adding yourself to my blog's followers list.

Keep Visiting..

Cheers.. :) ..