Saturday, November 29, 2008


I came across this set of pictures... Have a look... Don't lose hope... Have Faith in God...

Praying.."God..Please Help Us..Protect Us..."

Gets hit by 'trouble'...

Is deeply Anguished... Asks... "Why God ?? Are you Even there ??"

Turns Around...

Is astonished...Sees something unbelievable.............

GOD : "Are you alright my child... I might have missed a small piece....!!!"

There are times, when God tests us, sometimes makes ur suffer... Why... I don't know... but i know one thing for sure... He is there... Listning to Us...Looking after us...Hez just an 'Earnest Prayer' away...

God...Help us tide over these difficult times...Bless the souls of the bravehearts who have lost their lives...Help the families of those who have lost their near and dear ones...Bless the injured...And help us...Give us strength ...Intelligence..Will...n Safety to do something about all these inhumane acts...To prevent them from happening again in future...May God Bless us all...Amen...


Friendly Neighbourhood said...

Dear Karan

You write well; keep it up. I guess this is a place wher u can really share with others wat u feel, hope to c more of Karan on the BLOG.

bondgal_rulz said...

May the souls of all those brave policemen and NSG officials who have died to compensate for the inaction of the morons ruling the country rest in peace.

Adisha said...

Hey there..

This was AWESOME !! Thankyou for sharing something totally amazing with us all .


Anonymous said...

yeah he tests us all right :). some of us die taking his tests - some from a bomb explosion while going to work, some strolling in the park hit by a car, some raped and strangled, some robbed and stabbed, in millions in wars, some from a heart attack, some because they were plain unlucky to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, some slowly and with a lot of pain of disease or starvation.

but oh yes...theres always afterlife.

IceMaiden said...

hey karan...

awesome post.. though i m a non believer in god, it touched me. :)

Karan said...

@ Pankaj...

i know where your argument is coming from... and i think i know wht u r trying to say... bt thn i feel everything happens for a reason... and those things which beat my logic.. like ... seeing poor innocent kids... kids suffering frm various diseases... i do feel like questioning God... bt... thn as i said.. i feel he does evrything coz of sme reason... a good solid reason... i feel instead of questioning him.. we can try n do our bit to help such people... do wht we can to help them make their lives bettr...

Karan said...

@ Ice Maiden...

im happy to know that u liked th post... :)

try hving Faith in Good.. im sure you would realize how comforting it is to know that you have someone who would listen to you and make sure your problems are resolved by showing you the path to be followed fr their resolution... :) ...

Anonymous said...

Ah! interesting in sight. :)

BTW, can you do away with the word verification for openID commentators. :)

Karan said...

:) ... n I hope it would be of some help whn u might need it... :) ..

n thr u go.. word verification FINALLY removd.. :) ...

Deepika said...


Karan said...

@ Deepika,

:) .. Thanks :)